RimitaDeo Metsä (forest) – aluminium free deodorant 50 ml

Aluminium free organic deodorant with a natural pine scent


Vegan friendly and Natrue-certified

RimitaDeo Metsä is the deo that really works and concludes your search for a good organic deodorant. It’s a vegan friendly organic deodorant. The gentle formulation doesn’t include any aluminium or baking soda.

Effective ingredients are aloe vera,rosemary, lavender and lemon extracts from organic farming. RimitaDeo Metsä is an unisex product with light and fresh pine scent. Can be also used as first deodorant.


The smell is absolutely wonderful; it's like walking in a Finnish pine forest

The smell is absolutely wonderful; it's like walking in a Finnish pine forest

30 reviews for RimitaDeo Metsä (forest) – aluminium free deodorant 50 ml

  1. FI

    Minna (verified owner)

  2. FI

    Milla (verified owner)

    Ihan ok, mutta ei pidä enää yhtä hyvin kuin Rimitalta aiemmin käyttämäni deodorantit

  3. EN


    Ihana tuoksu, mutta valitettavasti jo ensimmäisestä käyttökerrasta tuli voimakas punainen allerginen reaktio. Mitäköhän ainesosa sen aiheuttaa?

  4. FI

    Nimetön (verified owner)

    Paras teinipojalle 😊

  5. FI

    Katriina (verified owner)

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